The pandemic problems

 The arrival of the pandemic also meant the arrival of multiple problems. From my point of view, the four big problems caused by the pandemic were; Obviously, the health problems either due to the covid or the mental health complications that many people have experienced due to the quarantine or the pandemic itself. Another would be the large amount of unemployment that caused the quarantine again, which has left many people in poverty. Finally, the last big problem would be the improvised adaptation of the health, educational and political systems, among much others, to the virtual world because, due to the suddenness of the pandemic, they were not prepared. However, these adaptations meant a change in how people live. Among these changes we can note an increase in the use of technologies, the use of masks and the emergence of teleworking. For me, the post-pandemic life it will be not so happy, because although, obviously, people are going to be happy with the end of it, I think that people are going to have difficulties to adapt again to the world without a pandemic, either in the social or labor sphere.


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