The trip I've always wanted to have.

 If I had the opportunity to travel to any country I wanted, I would probably choose France. 

I would choose this country because my parents and grandparents were exiled to this place during the dictatorship, so they lived a great number of years there. I would love to visit the places where they lived as well as explore the many cities, museums and monuments of the country that have always fascinated me.

It should be added that I studied at the Alianza Francesa high school in Chile, so my knowledge of France is extensive because I had to study the language, history, geography, philosophy and many more aspects of the country.

 In relation to the above, studying at that school made me make many friends who live in France today, so I would also love to go there to visit them.

All these aspects make me want to live, or at least work for a while, in France, in addition to the fact that, due to my family's exile, I have French nationality so I would have access to many social facilities in the territory such as free health, financial aid , among others.


  1. What a story! It seems that you have a lot of reasons to go and live in France, I hope that you could achieve it Tomás!

  2. Amazing story!! I hope you can visit France one day and visit all those places.

  3. Good work. Only the last sentence in the second paragraph have small problem, it should be written: as well as to explore many cities...


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